Er du over 18 år?
Innholdet er kun for personer over 18 år. Vennligst verifiser at du er over 18 år før du går videre inn på siden.
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Vil du bli varslet når dette produktet er tilbake på lager?
169 kr
Lager i Norge. Ingen tollpasseringer.
Rask levering. Gratis frakt over 1000kr.
Trygg og 100% sikker betaling.
The activated carbon from ‘activTube’ in the form of pellets removes unwanted substances from the smoke that are produced during combustion. The effective substances contained in the herbs remain unaffected by this.
The activated carbon pellets are made of 100% natural, vegetable raw materials, absolutely free of chemical additives. The reduction of harmful substances is not only good for the lungs, but also improves the taste. Because you get more pure herbal taste. A further advantage: If you use the activated carbon when you smoke a bong, the pipe does not get dirty so quickly.
The pellets are packed in a can which protects the activated carbon safely from pressure and friction. The material of the can does not contain plastic.
Innholdet er kun for personer over 18 år. Vennligst verifiser at du er over 18 år før du går videre inn på siden.